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Men's erectile dysfunction is not the end of the world

Men's erectile dysfunction is not the end of the world

Elderly men who make less love and who are happy with the responses taking Viagra should surely proceed Viagra. Some patients who are not contented with results to Cialis can find that Viagra is more to their liking. On the whole, all three drugs work and the men have to consult their doctors about finding the drug that works better for them and their sexual lifestyle. Three drugs recently and others in diverse clinical trial stages has not only further expanded the treatment options for erectile disfunction, but in many ways has provoked new mix-up among physicians and patients. It escorts vacuum therapy and other medications and it's not difficult to understand why patients and possible patients have questions. aphrodisiaque naturel

For all practical purposes, medical treatment starts from these drugs. In certain conditions in which the males are young, healthy, laboratory blood tests and such are normal one should look for the physical cause of their erectile dysfunction before prescribing drugs since the process of disease development may be more serious than the symptoms, i.e., the erectile disfunction itself. It may happen that primary disease treatment can really exclude the sexual dysfunction. Still, most men have other physical causes for ed as found in their lab tests and health history, making PDE-5 inhibitors a first alternative line. Choosing the appropriate medicine is sometimes very difficult to do without proper data on every drug and a careful talk about the patient's sexual lifestyle and his partner. impuissance chez les hommes

Let's talk about these three drugs pros and cons and the intimate situations indicating the purpose of one drug over another. The first and is probably the most famous of the three PDE-5 inhibitors Viagra was used to treat erectile dysfunction. It had been researched for over a dozen years before getting presented to the Americans. It has positive results in more than a half of all patients at any stage of ed, although around A QUARTER of them think that responses are not maximum. impuissance masculine

When initially doing the studies on Viagra, there had been noticed improvement in sexual function; yet, all men in the Studies of Viagra suffered from ED, whereas studies for the other two drugs were based on patients who had success with Viagra.Viagra's major drawbacks take in decreased absorption because of meals. You should take the pill on an empty stomach as half an hour is needed for absorption. The drug needs about one hour for uttermost result, but loses 50% of its maximum concentration every four hours. For erection you should do sexual stimulation. Of the 3 drugs, the maximal concentration for Viagra appears to be the therapeutic concentration. Side effects take in face-reddening, odd ocular disturbances including a bright sight, a blue-green aura around the vision, indigestion, soft headaches. medicament contre l impuissance
Категория: Статьи | Добавил: wellbooks (14.02.2010)
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